Systema Exclusive Contest at Guardian


We will be contacting you by 8th February 2023 for prize redemption.

Grand Prize

3D2N accommodation at The Westin Langkawi Resort & Spa worth RM2,000

  • Lai Chin Yee (XXXXXX-XX-5543)

Second Prize

Marshall Acton II Bluetooth Speaker (Black) worth RM1,499

  • Pu Say Chiang (XXXXXX-XX-6267)
  • Siti Norbayah Harun (XXXXXX-XX-5642)

Consolation Prize

Guardian voucher worth RM50

  • Abdul Hadi B Abd Rahman (XXXXXX-XX-5759)
  • Abdullah B Mat (XXXXXX-XX-5987)
  • Adrian Wong Chuen Yee (XXXXXX-XX-5949)
  • Ahmad Asyraful Dain Bin Zainudin (XXXXXX-XX-5721)
  • Ahmad Faizal B Abdullah (XXXXXX-XX-5425)
  • Ahmad Irman B Abdullah (XXXXXX-XX-5677)
  • Ahmad Nazzrul B Abdullah (XXXXXX-XX-5709)
  • Ahmad Relauddin Bin Ismail (XXXXXX-XX-5951)
  • Ainun Nazirah Bt Ahmad Tarmizi (XXXXXX-XX-5344)
  • A’Li Asyraf Bin Asmayatim (XXXXXX-XX-5761)
  • Aliuddin Bin Abd Razak (XXXXXX-XX-5331)
  • Amran Bin Adnan (XXXXXX-XX-5343)
  • Ananthan A/L Rajarethnam (XXXXXX-XX-5479)
  • Ang Au Ku (XXXXXX-XX-5326)
  • Asmawati Binti Shuhaimi (XXXXXX-XX-5314)
  • Atiqah Binti Ismail (XXXXXX-XX-5590)
  • Audrey Lynn Alvisse (XXXXXX-XX-5086)
  • Beh Ming Yi (XXXXXX-XX-5794)
  • Benny Yeo Chee Hock (XXXXXX-XX-5055)
  • Book Joon Hsien (XXXXXX-XX-5579)
  • Chan Peik Yein (XXXXXX-XX-5434)
  • Chang Lai Peng (XXXXXX-XX-5306)
  • Chee Choo Yon (XXXXXX-XX-5171)
  • Cherylina Chin (XXXXXX-XX-5374)
  • Chew Poh Yen (XXXXXX-XX-6408)
  • Chew Yuien Peng (XXXXXX-XX-5324)
  • Chiong Hoe Nee (XXXXXX-XX-5332)
  • Chong Chui Ling (XXXXXX-XX-5038)
  • Chong Oi Lin (XXXXXX-XX-5050)
  • Chow Vai Giggs (XXXXXX-XX-6153)
  • Chua Bee Eng (XXXXXX-XX-5304)
  • Chuah Ho Meng (XXXXXX-XX-5702)
  • Chung Wen Yaw (XXXXXX-XX-5155)
  • Cony Tong Chui Nee (XXXXXX-XX-5314)
  • Dahliyawatie Binti Muajam (XXXXXX-XX-6326)
  • Daimah Binti Nordin (XXXXXX-XX-6268)
  • Dalvinder Singh A/L Opkar Singh (XXXXXX-XX-6339)
  • Daniel Chew Tze Wenn (XXXXXX-XX-5291)
  • Desiani Fitri Binti Azman (XXXXXX-XX-5952)
  • Eng Chok Kah (XXXXXX-XX-5150)
  • Ewe Pei Sze (XXXXXX-XX-5308)
  • Fanky Kwong Fook Sheng (XXXXXX-XX-5085)
  • Farah Nur Sofiyya Binti Muhamad Fadle (XXXXXX-XX-0816)
  • Fatin Nabila Bt Yusuf (XXXXXX-XX-6848)
  • Fitri Azrin Bin Ghazali (XXXXXX-XX-5111)
  • Fung Chui Jing (XXXXXX-XX-5258)
  • Gan Ah Chin (XXXXXX-XX-5014)
  • Halimahton Saadiah Binti Aris (XXXXXX-XX-5162)
  • Hasaniyatussima Binti Harun (XXXXXX-XX-5154)
  • Hasnah Binti Ismail (XXXXXX-XX-6092)
  • Hazliatul Fariza Binti Adnan (XXXXXX-XX-5552)
  • Hidayah Bt Abd Rahman (XXXXXX-XX-5924)
  • Ho Hui Li (XXXXXX-XX-5360)
  • Ho Hui Yien (XXXXXX-XX-5318)
  • Hue Kar Ken (XXXXXX-XX-5823)
  • Ismail Bin Mat (XXXXXX-XX-5177)
  • Jarah Binti Che Mat (XXXXXX-XX-5256)
  • Jasmine Lian (XXXXXX-XX-5078)
  • Kamariah Binti Nor (XXXXXX-XX-5780)
  • Kamarudin Bin Ismail (XXXXXX-XX-5611)
  • Kee Siaw Ling (XXXXXX-XX-5912)
  • Khew Thai Wai (XXXXXX-XX-5027)
  • Khor Hung Kit (XXXXXX-XX-5047)
  • Koh Chia Yen (XXXXXX-XX-5486)
  • Kor Yee Pei (XXXXXX-XX-7418)
  • Kumaresan Letchumanan (XXXXXX-XX-5361)
  • Lai Siew Leng (XXXXXX-XX-5532)
  • Latifah Binti Zinlabdi (XXXXXX-XX-5110)
  • Lee Ai Ling (XXXXXX-XX-5998)
  • Lee Ai Yin (XXXXXX-XX-5328)
  • Lee Cheng Siong (XXXXXX-XX-5311)
  • Lee Cheow Lam (XXXXXX-XX-5646)
  • Lee Chien Hong (XXXXXX-XX-6765)
  • Lee Chien Yong (XXXXXX-XX-6031)
  • Lee Chow Keng (XXXXXX-XX-5031)
  • Lee Kwong Thiam (XXXXXX-XX-6177)
  • Lee Seng Hua (XXXXXX-XX-6016)
  • Lee Tze Yan (XXXXXX-XX-7419)
  • Lee Wai Mun (XXXXXX-XX-5371)
  • Lee Zhi Li (XXXXXX-XX-0196)
  • Lee Zhi Xuan (XXXXXX-XX-6264)
  • Leong Tek Hao (XXXXXX-XX-5687)
  • Liang Wai Leng (XXXXXX-XX-5568)
  • Liew Meow Kheong (XXXXXX-XX-5499)
  • Lim Aun Cyi (XXXXXX-XX-5572)
  • Lim Chee Kiang (XXXXXX-XX-5397)
  • Lim Kean Siong (XXXXXX-XX-5937)
  • Lim Min Min (XXXXXX-XX-6196)
  • Lim Siew Jia (XXXXXX-XX-5170)
  • Lim Sooi Ping (XXXXXX-XX-5900)
  • Ling Yew Huat (XXXXXX-XX-6049)
  • Lo Wei Lin (XXXXXX-XX-5362)
  • Lo Yeng Lin (XXXXXX-XX-5282)
  • Loo Kah Sin (XXXXXX-XX-5662)
  • Marizainee Binti Mat Hussin (XXXXXX-XX-5766)
  • Marni Binti Maudin (XXXXXX-XX-5080)
  • Mazlan Bin Abu Bakar (XXXXXX-XX-6051)
  • Mohamad Safuan Bin Abdul Rahman (XXXXXX-XX-5521)
  • Mohammad Khamis Bin Abdullah (XXXXXX-XX-6127)
  • Mohammad Sapian Bin Mohamed Kassim (XXXXXX-XX-6079)
  • Mohd Ardey Bin Mahassan (XXXXXX-XX-5603)
  • Mohd Fiddaus Bin Fisol (XXXXXX-XX-6205)
  • Mohd Hafiz Jauhari Bin Ihsan (XXXXXX-XX-5399)
  • Mohd Hairi Alias (XXXXXX-XX-5061)
  • Mohd Helmy Bin Amran (XXXXXX-XX-5137)
  • Muhammad Akmal Bin Shuid (XXXXXX-XX-5001)
  • Muhammad Nur Fariq Bin Akhir Zaman (XXXXXX-XX-5605)
  • Muhammad Nur Fitri Bin Abdullah (XXXXXX-XX-5169)
  • Muhammad Wasif Bin Baharudin (XXXXXX-XX-0395)
  • Narentharen A/L Selvarajah (XXXXXX-XX-5357)
  • Nawal Binti Che Mohd Noh (XXXXXX-XX-5542)
  • Nazilahuda Bt Abdullah (XXXXXX-XX-5424)
  • Ngu Seng Hing (XXXXXX-XX-5319)
  • Nina Azira Binti Ahmad Zainudin (XXXXXX-XX-5074)
  • Noor Azizah Ahmad (XXXXXX-XX-5484)
  • Noor Diyana Binti Norizam (XXXXXX-XX-6828)
  • Noor Sabarina Binti Ahmad (XXXXXX-XX-5142)
  • Nor Ayuni Binti Ismail (XXXXXX-XX-5900)
  • Nor Sarah Binti Shukri (XXXXXX-XX-5460)
  • Norazian Bt Yunus (XXXXXX-XX-6246)
  • Noriswan B Harun (XXXXXX-XX-5805)
  • Norsabarisma Bt Yusof (XXXXXX-XX-6474)
  • Norzuraida Bt Saad (XXXXXX-XX-5838)
  • Nur Adilla Bt Wahab (XXXXXX-XX-5154)
  • Nur Aina Syafika Binti Kassim (XXXXXX-XX-6120)
  • Nur Aina Syafiqah Binti Abdullah (XXXXXX-XX-5072)
  • Nur Amira Binti Abdul Rahim (XXXXXX-XX-5688)
  • Nur Najaha Ariffin (XXXXXX-XX-5808)
  • Nurul Adni Bt Abd Rahman (XXXXXX-XX-6174)
  • Nurul Farahin Binti Abdul Samad (XXXXXX-XX-6332)
  • Nurul Fat-Hiyah Binti Ismail (XXXXXX-XX-5036)
  • Nurul Fazrieyla Binti Abd Latif (XXXXXX-XX-5090)
  • Nurul Hafiyah Binti Basiran (XXXXXX-XX-5724)
  • Nurul Hidayah Binti Basiran (XXXXXX-XX-5552)
  • Nurul Hidayah Binti Basiran (XXXXXX-XX-6532)
  • Nurul Syamilah Binti Zainal Abidin (XXXXXX-XX-5598)
  • Ooi Lean Lee (XXXXXX-XX-5032)
  • Poh Chee Siang (XXXXXX-XX-5215)
  • R.Norasliana Ramlee (XXXXXX-XX-5392)
  • Rahimah Bt Yaacub (XXXXXX-XX-5526)
  • Richard Wan Choon Purn (XXXXXX-XX-5171)
  • Rohayah Bt Abbas (XXXXXX-XX-5078)
  • Rosnani Bt Borhan (XXXXXX-XX-6010)
  • Rosniza Binti Abdullah (XXXXXX-XX-5560)
  • Rozita Binti Abdullah (XXXXXX-XX-5752)
  • Saiful Anwar Awaludin (XXXXXX-XX-5011)
  • Sam Zhi Xi (XXXXXX-XX-5056)
  • Saw Siok Sim (XXXXXX-XX-5540)
  • Shahreen Binti Kasim (XXXXXX-XX-6532)
  • Shuhaila Bintai Salleh (XXXXXX-XX-5146)
  • Siti Norsaedah Mohd Eusoff (XXXXXX-XX-5254)
  • Siti Saodah Binti Ismail (XXXXXX-XX-5784)
  • Suhaila Binti Ismail (XXXXXX-XX-5178)
  • Suharyani Binti Supriady (XXXXXX-XX-6266)
  • Suzanna Hani Binti Hussein (XXXXXX-XX-5524)
  • Sze Chin Hock (XXXXXX-XX-5867)
  • Tai Yew Keong (XXXXXX-XX-7011)
  • Tan Beng Teck (XXXXXX-XX-5555)
  • Tan Chin Hwa (XXXXXX-XX-5177)
  • Tan Han Yuan (XXXXXX-XX-5427)
  • Tan Hoi See (XXXXXX-XX-5412)
  • Tan Jing Jing (XXXXXX-XX-5262)
  • Tan Li Jian (XXXXXX-XX-0116)
  • Tan Say Hui (XXXXXX-XX-5351)
  • Tan Song Guan (XXXXXX-XX-5775)
  • Tang Chee Chong (XXXXXX-XX-5245)
  • Tang Kam Hong (XXXXXX-XX-5605)
  • Tang Sook Wah (XXXXXX-XX-6080)
  • Tay Chin Hang (XXXXXX-XX-5715)
  • Teh Lian Kue (XXXXXX-XX-5022)
  • Teng Lai Foong (XXXXXX-XX-5410)
  • Teo Sun Ping (XXXXXX-XX-5954)
  • Toh Mei Chie (XXXXXX-XX-5186)
  • Toy Seow Chi (XXXXXX-XX-5986)
  • Wan Syazwani Mohamed Thani (XXXXXX-XX-6204)
  • Wendy Tan Seow Wei (XXXXXX-XX-5388)
  • Wong Chai Ling (XXXXXX-XX-5222)
  • Wong Eng Joo (XXXXXX-XX-5435)
  • Wong Jun Fei (XXXXXX-XX-6071)
  • Wong Mei Ling (XXXXXX-XX-5836)
  • Wong Seik Yin (XXXXXX-XX-5892)
  • Wong Sook Mun (XXXXXX-XX-6372)
  • Yusri Bin Jadi (XXXXXX-XX-6565)
  • Zahar Bin Amir (XXXXXX-XX-5863)
  • Zainah Binti Jalil (XXXXXX-XX-5182)
  • Zairul Nizam Bin Abdul Rahim (XXXXXX-XX-5751)
  • Zamhairie Bin Ali (XXXXXX-XX-5253)
  • Zarina Binti Jufri (XXXXXX-XX-5176)
  • Zulfadli Bin Kamarol Zaman (XXXXXX-XX-5013)
  • Zulhazmi Bin Saad (XXXXXX-XX-5225)

Systema Exclusive Contest at Guardian Terms and Conditions



  1. The Terms and Conditions of Entry are to be read together with the Schedule to the Terms and Conditions of Entry (collectively “Terms and Conditions”).
  2. By participating in the Contest, the Eligible Participants/Winners agree to be bound by the following terms and conditions and all amendments, additions and modifications as may be made from time to time by the Organiser, at its sole discretion. Participants agree that their continued participation in the Contest constitute their unconditional acceptance of the amended Terms and Conditions.
  3. The Organiser’s decision on all matters relating to this Contest are final, conclusive and binding on all Participants of this Contest, and no correspondence, communication or appeals will be entertained.

Schedule to the Terms and Conditions of Entry

1. Contest:Systema Exclusive Contest at Guardian
2. Contest Period:This Contest starts on 31st October 2022, 00:00hr and ends on 2nd January 2023, 23:59hr
3. Organiser:Southern Lion Sdn. Bhd.
4. Eligibility:This Contest is open to all individual Malaysian citizens and permanent residents, with valid identification documents, aged 18 and above (as at 31st October 2022), except for the employees of the Organiser, including their immediate family members, their business partners, affiliated companies, suppliers/distributors, promotion/ advertising/ public relations agencies and other parties involved in this Contest.
5. Entry Method: To participate in the Contest, Participants will be required to follow the steps outlined in the following entry mechanic:

Step 1: Purchase any Systema toothpaste (130g/100g) worth RM10 and above in a single receipt (“POP/ Proof of Purchase") during the Contest Period from any Guardian outlet in Malaysia. One (1) receipt entitles each Participant to one (1) entry.

Step 2: Submit via WhatsApp to 011-6523 3884:

  • Key in required details as follows: Full name as per NRIC, new NRIC number and e-mail address.

  • Example: Nik Rose, 890917075110,

  • Attach a clear photo of the receipt (“POP”). Keep the original POP for verification purposes if you have been shortlisted.
6. Contest Entries:
  1. The Eligible Participants/Winners of the Contest will be selected by the Organiser using the division by sum method. Eligible Participants/Winners will be selected from all qualified entries received within the Contest Period.
  2. The Organiser has the sole and absolute right as it deems fit and necessary to amend the Contest Period, the Contest mechanics, to terminate, cancel or suspend the Contest at any time without prior notice.
  3. Eligible Participants/Winners will be contacted via WhatsApp based on the contact details provided upon entry submission on best effort basis with maximum of three (3) attempts. In the event where a shortlisted Participant/Winner could not be contacted, the Organiser reserves the rights to replace the shortlisted Participant/Winner with the next name on the list.
  4. Eligible Participants/Winner may be required to submit their full name, contact details, a clear and legible photocopy of his/her NRIC, and their postal address together with their Proof of Purchase for verification purposes via post or Whatsapp within [seven (7) days] from the date of notification.
  5. Participants may submit as many entries as they wish but each entry must be supported with the required Proof of Purchase within the Contest Period. However, one prize will be awarded per Participant, per Contest. Proof of Purchase with the dates before or after the Contest Period will not be accepted. Only entries with original receipts of the correct product purchased are accepted. No handwritten receipt, photocopy of receipt and/or duplicate copy of receipts are accepted. If found, such entry will be forfeited automatically. Proof of WhatsApp or posting is not proof of receipt.
  6. All Proof of Purchases submitted for this Contest will be the property of the Organiser.
7. Winner Selection Criteria and Process:HOW TO WIN

  1. 203 lucky participants ("Eligible Participants/Winners") determined by the Organiser's panel of judges will be awarded.
  2. The Organiser’s decision on all matters in relation to this Contest are final, conclusive and binding on all Participants of this Contest, and no correspondence, communication or appeals will be entertained.
  3. The List of Eligible Participants/Winners will be announced on and Systema Malaysia Facebook page by 31st January 2023.
8. Entry Deadline: All Contest must be received by 23:59hr on 2nd January 2023. Any entries received after the Contest Period will be disqualified.
9. Disqualifi-
  1. The Organiser reserves the right to disqualify any entry if the Organiser discovers that –
    1. the Participant had submitted a similar receipt with other entries;
    2. if the entry is incomplete, wrong, spoilt, late or submitted without the Proof of Purchase. Proof of posting is not proof of receipt;
    3. if fraud or cheating is suspected, including without limitation, through the manipulation of code or otherwise frequently falsifying data.
  2. Entries that do not comply with the Terms and Conditions that are enforced will be disqualified automatically.
  3. The Organiser reserves the right to demand for the return of the Prize or payment of its value from the disqualified Participant in the event of a disqualification after a Prize has been awarded.
10. Prizes:Eligible Participants/Winners will receive:

  1. Prizes:
    • Grand Prize x 1 – 3D2N accommodation at The Westin Langkawi Resort & Spa worth RM2,000
    • Second Prize x 2 – Marshall Acton II Bluetooth Speaker (Black) worth RM1,499
    • Consolation Prize x 200 – Guardian voucher worth RM50
  2. The maximum number of prizes that an Eligible Participant/Winner (identified by NRIC No.) can win under the Contest is one (1) Prize per person.
  3. Prizes are not transferable or exchangeable for cash, in part or in full. The Organiser reserves the right to substitute the prize with that of a similar value at any time without notice.
11. Delivery of Prizes:
  1. The Organiser (or their agent) will endeavour to contact the Eligible Participants/ Winners [once every day for three (3) consecutive working days] after their name is drawn. If the Eligible Participants/ Winners cannot be contacted during this period, the prize will be forfeited, and another Eligible Participant/Winner will be selected in accordance with the Terms and Conditions of this Contest.
  2. The prize will be delivered to the Eligible Participant/winner via courier/Whatsapp within thirty (30) days upon Eligible Participant's/Winner's selection and identity verification.
  3. Any prize not taken up for any reason within three (3) days of notification will be forfeited. All appeals thereafter will not be entertained. The Organiser may extend the timelines and methods of delivery of the Prizes at their discretion.
  4. The prize is not exchangeable for cash, fully or partially, and is not transferrable. In the event that the prize is not available despite the Organiser’s reasonable endeavours to procure the prize, the Organiser reserves the right to substitute prizes of similar value.
  5. The Organiser shall not be liable for any loss or damage that occurs to the prizes during the delivery process.
  6. No applications from agents, third parties, organized groups or applications automatically generated by computer will be accepted.
12. Intellectual Property Rights:
  1. All entries must be original and not infringe any intellectual property rights owned by any party. Participants may not raise, circulate, reproduce or otherwise furnish, any materials containing intellectual property rights of any other party, including but not limited to copyright, or other proprietary information held by the other party without the prior written permission of the owner of intellectual property rights or proprietary information.
  2. The Organiser has the right to use, modify and/or edit such materials or works at its sole discretion and the Participants waives all rights to any compensation for the submitted entries.
  3. If you believe your work has been tampered with and displayed in violation of intellectual property rights, please contact the Organiser.
13. Publicity:By participating in this Contest, Participants agree and are deemed to have consented and given the Organiser the rights to collect and process Participant’s personal data and information for the purposes of this Contest, to publish and/or display particulars, personal data and/or photos of successful Participants in print media and electronic media of any forms (as applicable) for the purpose of advertising, publicity and announcement without any royalty and/or compensation.
14. Indemnity:
  1. Any expenses that are incurred to participate in this Contest, to claim the redemption/prizes and/or to attend ceremony, is the sole responsibility of the successful Participants/Winners, without any reimbursements by the Organiser.
  2. Participants agree to bear full liability and responsibility for any loss, injury, damage, costs, expenses, claim or accident suffered, incurred or caused by their participation in this Contest. The Organiser shall not be liable to Participants for any damages, costs, expenses, claims, losses, accidents or inconvenience for any matter arising out of or in connection with this Contest. Each Participant agrees to indemnify and hold the Organiser harmless from and against any and all claims, damage, losses, costs or expenses suffered or incurred by the Organiser in relation to this Contest as a result of any act and/or omission of the Participant.
  3. The Organiser shall not be responsible for any lost, damaged, delayed, incorrect or incomplete entries for any reason whatsoever. Proof of sending will not be accepted as proof of receipt.
  4. The Participant’s participation in the Contest shall be at the Participant’s own risk.
  5. The Organiser shall not be responsible for the failure of any technical element relating to this Contest that may result in an entry not being successfully submitted. The Organiser shall not accept any responsibility for entries lost, damaged, or delayed because of any network, computer or cell phone hardware or software failure of any kind.
15. Privacy Notice:The Organiser may transfer personal data and information of Participants (including but not limited to, name, address, contact numbers, NRIC numbers) to service provider(s) for the purposes of administering the Contest and contacting Participants, solely for this Contest only. Participant has the right to obtain access, request correction or withdraw consent to disclose any personal data and information held by the Organiser. Such request can be made via email at here or by post to Southern Lion Sdn. Bhd., Unit 1-J & 1-K, Bangunan BAKTI Siti Hasmah, No.6, Cangkat Abang Haji Openg, Taman Tun Dr. Ismail, 60000 Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia before 3rd January 2023. For more details on the Organiser’s use of personal data, please read the Organiser’s privacy policy at here.
16. General Terms and Conditions:
  1. In the event any Contests involve merchants, the relevant participating merchant’s reserves the right to revise its terms and conditions without prior notice. The Participants’ entry in the relevant Contest shall be further subjected to the participating merchant’s terms and conditions. The Participants shall not be entitled to assign any of the rights or sub-contract any of the obligations herein.
  2. In the event of any inconsistency between these terms and conditions and any other form of publicity collaterals relating to this Contest, these terms and conditions shall prevail.
  3. This General Contest Terms and Conditions may also be available in the Bahasa Malaysia language. In the event of any inconsistency, conflict, ambiguity or discrepancy between the English version and the Bahasa Malaysia version of this Terms and Conditions, the English version of this Terms and Conditions shall prevail.
  4. These terms and conditions shall be construed and governed in accordance with the laws of the Malaysia. The Organiser and Participants agree to submit to the exclusive jurisdiction of the courts of Malaysia.
  5. For further inquiries, please call our hotline at 1800 880 133 (Monday to Friday, 9am to 5pm, (excluding public holiday).

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