Prize Duration
Winners of Prize Duration 1 – 14 May 2023
We will be contacting you by 7th June 2023 for prize redemption.
One Touch Fresh Set (worth RM176.40)
- Aidil Syafwan Bin Samsudin (XXXXXX-XX-5347)
- Benny Yeo Chee Hock (XXXXXX-XX-5055)
- Chan Pooi Man (XXXXXX-XX-5890)
- Chan Seng Choong (XXXXXX-XX-5421)
- Cheong Yin Fan (XXXXXX-XX-5702)
- Chin Mui Yuen @ Grace (XXXXXX-XX-5152)
- Chung Zhao Zhe (XXXXXX-XX-6103)
- Desmond Poh Kah Man (XXXXXX-XX-6017)
- Goh Wan Qi (XXXXXX-XX-6144)
- Hamizan Binti Mohamed (XXXXXX-XX-5118)
- Hasilah Bt Mohamad (XXXXXX-XX-5598)
- Hasnah Binti Abdul Rahman (XXXXXX-XX-5144)
- Hawati Binti Nor (XXXXXX-XX-5678)
- Hazim Bin Aziz (XXXXXX-XX-5347)
- Hue Kar Ken (XXXXXX-XX-5823)
- Intan Marliana Binti Ramli (XXXXXX-XX-5150)
- Lee Choon Liang (XXXXXX-XX-5117)
- Lee Khai (XXXXXX-XX-5043)
- Lee Ling Ling (XXXXXX-XX-5032)
- Lo Yeng Lin (XXXXXX-XX-5282)
- Low Yock Em (XXXXXX-XX-6276)
- Manis Abd Ghafoor (XXXXXX-XX-5078)
- Mohamad Faiz Bin Mokhsin (XXXXXX-XX-5865)
- Mohamad Firdaus Bin Mohamad Arifin (XXXXXX-XX-5357)
- Mohd Azhar Bin Abd Wahab (XXXXXX-XX-5385)
- Mohd Fadhli Bin Muhammad (XXXXXX-XX-6131)
- Muhammad Faziran Bin Midarul Huda (XXXXXX-XX-5631)
- Nik Ahmad Farys Bin Ahmad Farid (XXXXXX-XX-1109)
- Noor Amaliena Binti Mohd Hamraazs (XXXXXX-XX-5410)
- Noorhasnieda Binti Tajuddin (XXXXXX-XX-6290)
- Nor Fateyha Bt Ahmad (XXXXXX-XX-5166)
- Nur Halimatun Binti Muhammad (XXXXXX-XX-5942)
- Nur Nurul Nasuha Bt Mustaffa (XXXXXX-XX-5012)
- Nurdini Syaurah Bt Hanafi (XXXXXX-XX-5774)
- Nurul Baizura Basrudin (XXXXXX-XX-6704)
- Nurul Syuhada Binti Alias (XXXXXX-XX-5270)
- Ong Kong Hooi (XXXXXX-XX-5273)
- Sharilla Binti Muhammad Faisal (XXXXXX-XX-5794)
- Siti Zaiton Binti Lela (XXXXXX-XX-5122)
- Solpian Bin Haji Murad (XXXXXX-XX-5061)
- Sri Ram A/L Ganesan (XXXXXX-XX-5799)
- Steven Long Jhow Chee (XXXXXX-XX-5333)
- Syahirah Hasnaa Binti Mohd Noor (XXXXXX-XX-5324)
- Tan Foi Mua (XXXXXX-XX-5562)
- Tium Beat Cheyn (XXXXXX-XX-6374)
- Wan Azmira Binti Wan Yusoff (XXXXXX-XX-5200)
- Wong Hsiau Chyun (XXXXXX-XX-5146)
- Zahara Bt.Pakir Mohamed (XXXXXX-XX-5548)
- Zainah Binti Jalil (XXXXXX-XX-5182)
- Ziti Noor Zuhafna Binti Zakariya (XXXXXX-XX-5536)
Winners of Prize Duration 17 April – 30 April 2023
We will be contacting you by 22nd May 2023 for prize redemption.
Microwaveable Tiffin Set (worth RM108.80)
- Ahmad Fakhrulradhi Bin Fauzi (XXXXXX-XX-5831)
- Aida Binti Ahmad (XXXXXX-XX-6542)
- Ain Nabilah Binti Daud (XXXXXX-XX-5592)
- Azarina Bt Mustafa (XXXXXX-XX-5248)
- Chan Ai Min (XXXXXX-XX-5878)
- Farah Nur Afiqah Bt Hasnan (XXXXXX-XX-5862)
- Farahliza Akmal Binti Kamaruddin (XXXXXX-XX-5342)
- Foo Chee Seng (XXXXXX-XX-6011)
- Gan Hwa Yun (XXXXXX-XX-5697)
- Jaslin Teoh Sao Yin (XXXXXX-XX-5434)
- Joanne Lim Khai Weih (XXXXXX-XX-5384)
- Kamariah Binti Nor (XXXXXX-XX-5780)
- Kamarul Zahrin Bin Tajuddin (XXXXXX-XX-6943)
- Kandy Palanisamy (XXXXXX-XX-5390)
- Kolanda Theresa A/P Chelliah (XXXXXX-XX-5828)
- Lai Kwai Lan (XXXXXX-XX-6302)
- Lam Ngeok Hung (XXXXXX-XX-5906)
- Lavanyia Manoharan (XXXXXX-XX-6066)
- Lim Fong Kiow (XXXXXX-XX-5090)
- Lo Wei Lin (XXXXXX-XX-5362)
- Luqmanulhakim Bin Mahzan (XXXXXX-XX-0045)
- Maryam Jameela Binti Harun (XXXXXX-XX-6406)
- Mohamad Adib Bin Basrudin (XXXXXX-XX-5541)
- Mohamad Hizami Bin Abdul Jalil (XXXXXX-XX-5263)
- Mohd Afnan Bin Othman (XXXXXX-XX-5115)
- Mohd Fadzlee Bin Mazlan (XXXXXX-XX-5879)
- Mohd Faizal Bin Mohd Nasir (XXXXXX-XX-5895)
- Mohd Norazam Bin Ayub (XXXXXX-XX-6223)
- Moriana Suriany Binti Mohamad Noor (XXXXXX-XX-5320)
- Muhammad Amirul Mukminin Bin Zulkifli (XXXXXX-XX-0137)
- Muhammad Irfan Amir Bin Mohd Taufik (XXXXXX-XX-0437)
- Ng Swee Yong (XXXXXX-XX-6228)
- Norhidayu Binti Abdul Patah (XXXXXX-XX-5958)
- Nur Hazelien Shahira Bini Zubir (XXXXXX-XX-5146)
- Nurul Fathiyah Binti Ismail (XXXXXX-XX-5036)
- Rahimi Bin Ahmad (XXXXXX-XX-5923)
- Samuel Tan Wee Keat (XXXXXX-XX-5085)
- Sarifah Nurul Farhanah Binti Syd Ismail (XXXXXX-XX-5958)
- Shane Low (XXXXXX-XX-1071)
- Shieh Jez Yen (XXXXXX-XX-0579)
- Siti Saodah Binti Ismail (XXXXXX-XX-5784)
- Soon Lee Kian (XXXXXX-XX-5110)
- Tan Ke Qin (XXXXXX-XX-5189)
- Tan Kok Keong (XXXXXX-XX-5379)
- Vincent Lau Hui Chek (XXXXXX-XX-5251)
- Wong Yee Lian (XXXXXX-XX-6786)
- Yuvanasen Manoharan (XXXXXX-XX-5349)
- Zaharah Binti Abd Rahman (XXXXXX-XX-5776)
- Zainor Hafiza Bt Zainordin (XXXXXX-XX-5044)
- Zamri Bin Hashim (XXXXXX-XX-6687)
Winners of Prize Duration 3 April – 16 April 2023
We will be contacting you by 3rd May 2023 for prize redemption.
Eco Bottle Fliptop Set (worth RM106.60)
- Abang Zulkipli B. Abang Mustafa (XXXXXX-XX-5619)
- Afiqah Binti Ahmad Hisham (XXXXXX-XX-5018)
- Ahmad Farid Bin Abd Aziz (XXXXXX-XX-5341)
- Azila Abdullah (XXXXXX-XX-5686)
- Chan Jia Jun (XXXXXX-XX-5695)
- Chan Mun Quen (XXXXXX-XX-5097)
- Cheang Jit Xing (XXXXXX-XX-5219)
- Chong May Sze (XXXXXX-XX-5318)
- Darren Yu Dee Hieng (XXXXXX-XX-0877)
- Fatin Nabilah Alias (XXXXXX-XX-5318)
- Ganeson Sivappragasam (XXXXXX-XX-6353)
- Goh Chin Kwee (XXXXXX-XX-5201)
- Hamzi Bin Md Sidik (XXXXXX-XX-5649)
- Haslina Masni Binti Mohamad Khotib (XXXXXX-XX-5208)
- Ivy Chung Chok Ching (XXXXXX-XX-5450)
- Izarwati Binti Kulop Mat Isa (XXXXXX-XX-5516)
- Khairunnisa Binti Mohammad (XXXXXX-XX-6066)
- Kok Mei Kheng (XXXXXX-XX-6574)
- Komalah Manoharan (XXXXXX-XX-5244)
- Lee May Juin (XXXXXX-XX-5166)
- Liew Wai Shih (XXXXXX-XX-5120)
- Lim Shih Cheh (XXXXXX-XX-5868)
- Liong Siao Lin (XXXXXX-XX-5444)
- Loh Xiao Hui (XXXXXX-XX-5330)
- Long Yeen San (XXXXXX-XX-5174)
- Maizatul Maisarah Mustapha (XXXXXX-XX-0920)
- Mohd Nor Nazeri Bin Abd Razak (XXXXXX-XX-5503)
- Muhammad Shahrulnizam Bin Nasri (XXXXXX-XX-5273)
- Muhammad Weaam Bin Muhamad Nasim (XXXXXX-XX-5029)
- Mun June Yeign (XXXXXX-XX-5152)
- Nur Aqila Binti Azman (XXXXXX-XX-5000)
- Nur Yuhana Binti Sarikat (XXXXXX-XX-5510)
- Nurul Ainain Binti Abdul Rahim (XXXXXX-XX-5276)
- Ooi Mai Lim (XXXXXX-XX-6090)
- Pang Fui Chu (XXXXXX-XX-5342)
- Rennie Ronil Gumbalai (XXXXXX-XX-5960)
- Rohani Binti Ismail (XXXXXX-XX-5256)
- Saidah Binti Hj Hatta (XXXXXX-XX-5198)
- Soo Yoke Leng (XXXXXX-XX-5222)
- Soon Chooi Kheng (XXXXXX-XX-5582)
- Syasya Nurina Binti Shahrul Izwan (XXXXXX-XX-0022)
- Tan Chia Yee (XXXXXX-XX-5082)
- Teo Hwee Beng (XXXXXX-XX-5598)
- Ting Ngik Sieng (XXXXXX-XX-5616)
- Wong Ee Mun (XXXXXX-XX-5456)
- Yap Sim Yi (XXXXXX-XX-5276)
- Yap Wei Ting (XXXXXX-XX-6630)
- Yeap Wei Peng (XXXXXX-XX-5356)
- Yep Pui Yee (XXXXXX-XX-5286)
- Yong Chee Kong (XXXXXX-XX-5455)
Winners of Prize Duration 15 March – 2 April 2023
We will be contacting you by 26th April 2023 for prize redemption.
Royal Blue Serveware Set (worth RM228.40)
- Ahmad Fadhli Md Baharuddin (XXXXXX-XX-5159)
- Aimi Liyana Bt Azlan (XXXXXX-XX-5462)
- Akmal Nizam Shamsul Mustaffa (XXXXXX-XX-0189)
- Ang Kah Yan (XXXXXX-XX-5290)
- Bechik Binti Pelanchai (XXXXXX-XX-5326)
- Effa Ezzwin Binti Wahab (XXXXXX-XX-5666)
- Fazidah Binti Daud (XXXXXX-XX-5618)
- Hanisah Binti Sukarmin (XXXXXX-XX-5106)
- Hariati Binti Zakaria (XXXXXX-XX-5744)
- Hasbullah Bin Sulong (XXXXXX-XX-5881)
- Koo Foong Luen (XXXXXX-XX-5868)
- Lee Chiew Ling (XXXXXX-XX-5164)
- Lee Chow Keng (XXXXXX-XX-5031)
- Lee Li Ming (XXXXXX-XX-5200)
- Leow Phey Yee (XXXXXX-XX-5222)
- Liew Sheau Ling (XXXXXX-XX-5004)
- Lim Boon Cheng (XXXXXX-XX-5381)
- Lim Shi Yee (XXXXXX-XX-5176)
- Low Weng Cheong (XXXXXX-XX-6065)
- Mashithah Binti Abdul Rahim (XXXXXX-XX-5442)
- Matthew A/L George Adaikalasamy (XXXXXX-XX-5839)
- Maya Mazreena Binti Banging (XXXXXX-XX-6090)
- Mayzia Binti Maan (XXXXXX-XX-5560)
- Mohamad Fahmi Bin Saidon (XXXXXX-XX-6203)
- Mohamad Saufian Bin Muhammad (XXXXXX-XX-5779)
- Mohammad Ridzal Bin Abdullah (XXXXXX-XX-5287)
- Mohammed Rasheed Bin Hassan Mohamed (XXXXXX-XX-5547)
- Mohd. Azeerin Bin Mazlan (XXXXXX-XX-5795)
- Najah Fariha Binti Shuib (XXXXXX-XX-5032)
- Noor Izanluddin Bin Mazelan (XXXXXX-XX-5347)
- Nooraziah Binti Othman (XXXXXX-XX-6140)
- Noorrisham Bin Minhad (XXXXXX-XX-5485)
- Nor Fadzlina Binti Muhammad Roslan (XXXXXX-XX-5190)
- Norzila Binti Mohamad (XXXXXX-XX-5384)
- Nur Afiqah Binti Zainal Abidin (XXXXXX-XX-5606)
- Nur Faradhillah Binti Mohd Noor (XXXXXX-XX-6006)
- Nur Syahirah Binti Mohammed Rasheed (XXXXXX-XX-5170)
- Nurul Fatihah Husna Binti Ahmad Azul Afzanizam (XXXXXX-XX-0626)
- Roslan Bin Syed Mohamed (XXXXXX-XX-6203)
- Shibrah Binti Muhammad (XXXXXX-XX-5378)
- Siti Sarah Binti Mohd Azam (XXXXXX-XX-5080)
- Sivappragasam Saminathan (XXXXXX-XX-6269)
- Tan Wai San (XXXXXX-XX-5310)
- Tay Leen Hong (XXXXXX-XX-5222)
- Teoh Goay Bee (XXXXXX-XX-5118)
- Wan Farzana Iwani Binti Mohamad Fazali (XXXXXX-XX-1162)
- Yap Saw Keam (XXXXXX-XX-5332)
- Zaliza Binti Sarjuni (XXXXXX-XX-6094)
- Zuhardi Bin Zubir (XXXXXX-XX-5127)
- Zuraini Binti Sulaiman (XXXXXX-XX-6296)
Contest Details
Contest Prize Duration
Duration | Prize | Total Winners |
15 Mar – 2 Apr 2023 | Royal Blue Serveware Set (worth RM228.40) | 50 |
3 Apr – 16 Apr 2023 | Eco Bottle Fliptop Set (worth RM106.60) Set consists of:
| 50 |
17 Apr – 30 Apr 2023 | Microwaveable Tiffin Set (worth RM108.80) | 50 |
1 May – 14 May 2023 | One Touch Fresh Set (worth RM176.40) | 50 |
To Participate
Step 1: Buy any San Remo and McCormick products worth RM15 and above in a single receipt/sales invoice at any participating outlets. Each receipt/sales invoice is entitled to one [1] entry.
Step 2: Scan QR code above to participate: (1) Your full name as per NRIC (2) Your NRIC number (3) Your WhatsApp mobile number (4) Photo of receipt/sales invoice.
Note: Please ensure the following details are clearly visible in the photo of the receipt/sales invoice:
- Name of retail outlet or online marketplace vendor/online grocery store.
- Purchase date.
- Receipt/sales invoice number.
- Participating product(s) purchased.
- Amount spent on participating product(s) purchased.
Contest Period
From 15 Mar 2023 12:00:01 AM to 14 May 2023 11:59:59 PM Malaysian time. Entries must be submitted by 11:59:59PM Malaysian time on the last day of the Contest Prize Duration as per the schedule above.
Participating Outlets
- Retail stores in Malaysia with receipt generated as proof of purchase.
- Online marketplace vendors/online grocery stores in Malaysia with sales invoice generated as proof of purchase.
Terms and Conditions
- The PERADUAN RAYAEKSTRARIA (the “Contest”) is organised by GBA Corporation Sdn.Bhd. (Company No. 162820-U) (the “Organiser”), whose registered office is located at Wisma GBA 2, Lot 8, Jalan PPU 3, Taman Perindustrian Puchong Utama, 47100 Puchong, Selangor, Malaysia.
- The Contest is open to all Malaysian residents aged 18 and above, except employees and their immediate families of the Organiser and its affiliated companies.
- Participating products:
- San Remo range of products; Dry Pasta (375g / 500g / 750g), La Pasta (120g), Pasta Sauce (480g / 500g) and Specialty Pasta (ie. Instant Lasagna / Couscous / Gluten Free, Organic, Wholemeal, Brown Rice and Pulse range of pasta (200g – 500g)), AND
- McCormick range of products.
- Purchase any San Remo and McCormick products worth RM15 and above in a single receipt/sales invoice at any retail outlets in Malaysia or from any online marketplace vendors/online grocery stores in Malaysia to be eligible to enter Contest.
- Each receipt/sales invoice is entitled to one entry and each entry must be submitted within the respective Contest Prize Duration. Please ensure that the participating outlet name, purchase date, receipt/sales invoice number, products purchased and amount spent on products purchased are clearly visible in the photo of the receipt/sales invoice. Receipts/sales invoices not within the Contest Prize Duration, duplicate receipts/sales invoices or unclear receipts/sales invoices submitted will be disqualified.
- Each entry submitted must be complete and accurate. Any incomplete and/or inaccurate entry will be disqualified.
- Multiple entries are permitted, however each Participant is only allowed to win one [1] prize during the entire Contest period.
- Winner selection process: Each qualified entry will be allocated a serial number in sequence during the Contest Prize Duration. The total serial number allocated will be divided by fifty [50] to determine the serial numbers selected as winners. The serial number is reset at the beginning of each Contest Prize Duration.
- Winners will be announced within seven [7] days after the end of each Contest Prize Duration. The Organiser will contact the winner via WhatsApp and request for a photo of the NRIC (only the left section – clearly showing the NRIC number, full name and address; photo of scanned/printed copy will not be accepted) for verification and delivery purpose.
- The Organiser will make three [3] attempts to reach the winner. If the winner does not respond within seven [7] days after the final attempt, the winner will be disqualified and the prize forfeited.
- The Organizer will courier out the prize within thirty [30] days from the date of receiving full information from the winner. Unclaimed prizes will be forfeited after thirty [30] days from the date of delivery.
- Prizes are strictly non-transferable, non-refundable, and non-exchangeable.
- The Organiser’s decision is final and no correspondence will be entertained. GBA Corporation Sdn. Bhd. reserves the right to amend the Contest rules and/or substitute the prizes for other items of equivalent value without prior notice and no claim shall be made against GBA Corporation Sdn. Bhd. with respect to such substitute for any of the prizes.
- By taking part in this Contest, you understand and accept without condition that the Organiser may elect to use your personal information contained herein for internal and/or external marketing purposes in any manner it deems fit, whilst according to your privacy or confidentiality.
- The Organiser accepts no responsibility and will not be liable for any loss, injury, death or expense resulting from the participation of the Contest.
- The participant is deemed to have agreed to the Terms and Conditions of the Promotion, and any amendments, additions and modifications as may be made from time to time, by making a redemption/contest submission.
- In the event of any inconsistencies between these Terms and Conditions and any other form of publicity collaterals relating to this Promotion, these Terms and Conditions shall prevail.
- These Terms and Conditions shall be construed and governed in accordance with the laws of the Malaysia. The Organiser and Participants agree to submit to the exclusive jurisdiction of the courts of Malaysia.